
🖐 hi hi! Welcome!

A bit about me:☆ karr/ karen
☆ she/ her
☆ cis woman, straight (ally ❤️)
☆ 23 years old!
☆ shawol 💎 OT5

SHINee illustration OT5


‼️ Read before you follow ‼️

I try my best to make my space a safe space for everyone so if you can't respect other's preferences, sexuality, race, etc DO NOT be here.I love SHINee which includes all 5 of them. I am an OT5 defender and will not tolerate slander or hate to ANY members. I don't have a bias but I do tweet more about certain members when they have more schedule at the time.I'm someone who believes in the saying: you live and you learn. I have and will hold both my moots and idols accountable but IN A RESPECTFUL WAY. Same goes for me, if I do anything/ speak about something that is incorrect/ makes you uncomfortable, you are more than welcome to educate me.If you are a minor, please be mindful when following/ interacting with me as sometimes I do thirst over SHINee (which makes sense 🤪). I'm always looking for more moots so give me a follow and I most likely will follow you back!


More about me!

I'm bilingual! My mother language is bahasa but I've lived abroad for a while now and am more comfortable in english. I can speak conversational german and korean while learning chinese and japanese!I've stanned shinee since 2009 😭 and have only grown to love them more over the years.Other than shinee i am passionate in media (literally have a whole degree + concentration in it), aquascaping, reading (both novels and manhwas).I'm an ENFP with the E consistently always over 90% LMAO so i love interacting with others. My DM is always open ❤️.